Conquering Words 2019
It’s the same phrase we say, year after year. January 1 is like the universal reset button for all of us. If you’ve fudged on a diet, swore more times than you wanted to, or didn’t get to the gym at ALL, this is your time to get it done. You have a fresh, clean slate—you get to start over. I rarely set long term goals for myself. I know, I know…I do have some lofty ones, but as far as resolutions, I don’t really set those. I’m not sure why, I really should. So, when 2018 was coming to a close, I thought of some things that I wanted to conquer in 2019: leaning in and investing.
Leaning in. I was raised in a Christian home with a solid foundation. We would never miss a Sunday at church. In fact, you had to be violently, physically ill to not attend and that was understood by my brothers and myself. Through my years, I have wavered, but have always come back to what I know is true— that Christ is my Lord and Savior. So this year, I want to lean in on him and his path for me, unlike anything I’ve done before. I will have open hands and an open heart to receive and I can't wait until the end of the year, to see the beautiful path he will set me upon.
Investing. In the past few years, I have learned the meaning of true, lovely,
b e a u t i f u l friends and I don’t think I could ask for better ones. They’re here to help walk with me, support me and love me—through it all. My goal this year is to only invest in them more. Instead of having a ‘night in’ by myself, I’ll skip the couch and invest in their lives by setting up plans or reaching out more. I’ll send thank you cards when they’ve loved on me or I’ll pick up the phone and check in more, because hey, they’re worth every moment!
2018 was such a year of growth for me. It tore me down, but also built me back up. With a ‘reset’ button, you, too, can have a clean slate. Whether you want to become more spiritual like myself, invest in friends, join a gym, quit drinking soda, quit smoking or just eat better, NOW, is your chance to do that. Start the year off right! If you had to choose words that you wanted to accomplish in 2019, what would they be?! We’d love to hear them!