Kait's Pico
I moved to Nashville a little over a year ago and the one thing that far surpasses my love of food, is the love in my heart for my Top 8. Yep, you read that right, my Top 8—a text group that consists of some of the greatest, most kind, most compassionate, most loving and accepting friends that I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. And the best part about them is that they love food just as much as I do, and boy… do we love food! One of our favorite pastimes is to get together and cook a meal together.
Side note: Remember when I said that I come from a big family with lots of cousins and lots of excess? Well, you should know that my sweet Grandma Tillie is a bit of a legend around Central Illinois. She created a cookbook with lots of help from friends and family and their recipes and she use to give baking classes in her home. (Seriously, this woman is one of the best in the entire world)
With all that being said about Grandma Tillie, Kait and I pull out all the stops with food and making sure everyone has enough. We go above and beyond and usually make way to much of something, just to make sure everyone gets a healthy portion. It’s one of the greatest things, until your pants are feeling little tighter. *Pssst, that’s why we try to cook healthy things…*
“Let’s do a taco night!”, someone will text.
That’s exactly how it begins and before I know it, within minutes we’ve set up a venue, pitched a time, and have claimed what we are bringing to contribute. Or, if someone is out and about, they purchase everything and let the group know how much Venmo is needed, per person.
A staple in our get togethers, is Kait’s Pico de Gallo. I’m telling you, you think that all Pico is created equal? It’s not. Kait’s is bomb.com and I’m going to share it with you on how we do it. Add this to any taco night, nacho night, salad night, fat-feeling night that you just want something light and refreshing…you get the idea. Your guests will not be disappointed. I know, I know. It’s just a few ingredients, but I’m telling you, this is what you’ll need.
Kait’s Pico de Gallo:
- 10-15 Beefsteak Tomatoes (outer edges only)
- 1/2 Red Onion - Sea Salt to taste
- 1 Big Bunch of Cilantro- the whole entire thing
- 1-2 Limes
- 1 Kait to cut, chop, tear, press, and peel
*Disclaimer* Okay, okay, so you're not allowed to have our Kait, but seriously, she just has the magic Pico hands. When she makes this for Top 8, we D E M O L I S H every last bite. I hope you enjoy this recipe and if you love it, let us know!