Kait + Phil Valentine's Day
I wasn’t sure I could fully speak to Valentine’s Day…mainly because I don’t have a significant other. So, I asked my CEO and cousin, Kait, if I could interview her about how her and her husband Phil, celebrate the day. To say that these two are near and dear to me, would be an understatement…They took me in when I decided to move to Nashville, they took me to an amazing church that I now attend, and they introduced me to the best community of people, that I now call my best friends. Kait and Phil have the best hearts. They are authentic, kind, and generous to boot. Kait is one of the three sisters that created Royal + Reese and her husband Phil, is a professional drummer who plays for Kelsea Ballerini and here is a short little interview where Kait answers some Valentine’s Day questions:
Since you’ve been a couple, have you and Phil always celebrated Valentine’s Day? If so, what makes it special?
“Phil is always on the road on Valentine’s Day. So in one decade, we’ve celebrated it on the day, once, because he’s a traveling musician. However, we do recognize the holiday and celebrate the next time he’s home. I’m a words of aff. (affirmation) person and we always exchange cards. Getting a card on Valentine’s day and/or holiday is what makes it special.”
What was your very favorite Valentine’s Day, to date, with Phil?
“One time, we rented a hotel room at, The Hermitage. To make it extra special, Phil went in before and decorated it with real rose petals and chocolate covered strawberries. But, because he didn’t buy synthetic rose petals, they stained the comforter (Kait said as she laughed, nervously). We brought our Apple TV and watched, Friends, and relaxed. That night, we went to Sinema—which is this place that plays movies while you eat dinner. Phil wrote me a card and I wore the dress from our rehearsal dinner.”
What is the best gift that you can get from Phil?
“The gift of time... Because we spend so much time apart, it makes our time together so much more precious and sweet.”
Do you buy Phil any gifts for Valentine’s Day?
“Two years ago, I bought him Creed cologne and he returned it to buy a snare drum. So, no more gifts on Valentine’s day.”, (she laughs).
Would you rather do a low-key Valentine’s hang or get a little dressed up and do a fun dinner out?
“Fun dinner out. Low-key is boring. If we spend time together at home, we argue about what to watch on television.”
Describe to me what outfit you’ll wear this year on Valentine’s day.
“Hmm, I’m going to wear the Felicity Black Jeans, my black Adele, the new Layna booties in RED, of course, the Shelby Earrings, and the Moscow Sunnies.”
When you guys go out, where will you go and why?
“Jimmy Kelly’s, because I have a gift card from my sales team, and it’s our favorite place to go! That sounds lame, but it’s where older, distinguished people get steak. It’s our spot because it’s not insanely popular and it’s off the beaten path.”
Lastly, what is your absolute favorite thing about Phil?
“His heart. He is incredibly humble even though he’s extremely talented. He makes time for everyone in his life, when he doesn’t have time to give. He makes everyone feel valued and important. He leads our relationship prayerfully and with grace.”
Phil was out of town when I interviewed Kait, but this gives you a tiny glimpse into their busy world. I mean, can’t you see why they’re the cutest couple?! Even though they won’t be spending February 14th, Valentine’s Day together, they’ll still be celebrating in style, when Phil gets home, after the weekend. These two are truly two of the best people in the world and I hope you had fun reading Kait’s answers!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Happy Valentines Day Kait and Phil❤️ Your love is inspiring 🥰
Happy Valentines Day Kait and Phil❤️ Your love is inspiring 🥰