Have you heard?
Have you heard? OUR APP IS FINALLY LIVE! Go to your App Store and download Royal + Reese now to have a more seamless shopping experience!
LADIES, we are so excited about our app launching, today! This already has been one of the best days in Royal + Reese history! I, myself have been fortunate enough to have worked with the company for a little over a year now; but the app was in the works long before I was hired on. And, it’s been an absolute DREAM to our original three…our leaders: Tara, Whit, and Kait. To see their hard work, their blood, sweat and tears come to fruition, makes me so PROUD, not only to be part of something so big for the Royal + Reese team, but to be their family! So, if you haven’t already, GO NOW to your App Store and download the Royal + Reese app and see what other surprises we have up our sleeves. You will not regret it! So, before we get back to regularly scheduled blog posts on reviews, how to’s, online dating, best advices, and of course clothing topics, I’d like a chance to shine a little spotlight on our Social Team.
R+R has many moving parts and although we are all cross trained in other areas, we function best when we’ve got all of our ladies on board and in their specific positions. Each branch of our company works hard to ensure that YOU get the very best quality of us, in every facet.
Representing us each day is our Social Team. They are our front lines and I cannot tell you how hard they work. Day after day, they begin with a goal and much of the time, they will work until midnight if they haven’t hit it….then they start all over again, the next day. They’re tenacious, always laughing and having fun, and they ALL have hearts of gold. In fact, your stories really affect them and through their eyes, it’s like our entire company knows who you all are, which, how stinking cool is that? I don’t know any other company that has such a close knit relationship with their customers and friends. The adorable and silly girls you see on the screen are the same girls you see in person. They want to champion you, encourage you, love on you, because that is what our core foundation is. We wanted to create a community where women can come together and feel great about sharing triumphs, maybe as well as hardships. We want to pray with you and love you and I really feel like Tara, Whit, and Kait have worked hard to set that precedence and it flows from them through our Social Team. SO, if you love our social team, give them so love and encourage them right back. They love being with you everyday!
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