Shows We're Binging Right Now
Let’s face it, it’s the dead of winter. We’re all tired, we’re all pale, we’re all a little more ‘fluffy’ from the holiday baking and eating andddd it’s cold outside. So let’s watch some television and talk about the best shows on Netflix and tv, to binge right now.
Schitt’s Creek- This show is a creeper, meaning that you don’t expect it to be as hilariously funny as it is. Not only is the comedy extremely dry about a privileged family losing everything and being in the poor house; each episode is its own entity and not a continuation of the one prior. If you have time, try this show out and you won’t regret it.
This Is Us- I know, most people I talk to don’t want to watch it because it evokes nearly every emotion imaginable and at the end of the day, their family portrays real life issues from anxiety, alcoholism, eating disorders, as well as age, related changes in memory and dementia. It is a story that begins with a seemingly perfect couple and extends to their three triplets and how they deal with everyday life struggles.
Grey’s Anatomy - An oldie but a goodie, I honestly can’t believe this show is still running strong. I tow line between the the obnoxiousness of every single human or man made disaster possible and the classic hopeless romantic storylines that have me still rooting for the main characters—even though they’ve all had wayyyy more than their fair share of tragedies.
New Girl - This classic show will have you laughing until you cry. It’s a bit more mindless and lighthearted, but still perfect if you need some laughs or even funny material to use from the characters. It’s been proven that a few of us girls from R+R can watch this over and over again because you find new and funny things each time.
Cheer Documentary - Cheer does a deep dive into what it takes to be a successful cheer squad. It also introduces the people that make up the squad and why they are they way they are and it’s completely fascinating.
Virgin River- Virgin River reminds me of Hart of Dixie but it’s more of a drama genre. For the most part, it’s more family friendly so you can watch it around your kiddos.
Masked Singer - Singers have to wear these costumes and then sing in them. The judges have to take their clues and their voices and try to guess who they are so it’s fun to try and figure it out. Sometimes it’s easy, but others it’s totally off the wall.
Now, go grab some popcorn and candy… or wait, if you’re feeling fluffy like me, grab an apple with some peanut butter and take a load off! I’d also like to thank some of the girls at Royal and Reese for helping me compile what shows they’re into!